Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Caveats and Disclaimers

I was reminded today by a friend, that I should put this disclaimer on my blog - these mug cakes are NOT sweet. Unless you are off of ALL sugar, in which case they are the bombdiggity. And that in turn reminded me that I have officially reached my two year anniversary of being off sugar. Yay!

That's right, folks - a whole two years without the sweet stuff and, with the exception of a very short trial period a year ago, not even a drop off honey or maple syrup. I also stay as far away as I can from artificial sweeteners like the not-so-splendid-stuff, and don't even get me started on the pink stuff. Stevia is my best friend, I want to marry it (my apologies to my dear husband). When I went off sugar, I thought it would be for a few months at most, not a new lifestyle. But even though going off it was one of the most intimidating things I have ever done, and was by far the thing I wanted to ever do least in life... well... I still wouldn't change the past two years a bit.

Yes, yes, I know, that was me almost having a teary breakdown in Wegman's yesterday from hunger when I couldn't find anything safe (gluten and sugar free) in the prepared foods to feed my ravenous tummy. But we all have our moments, then, don't we? And no matter how many of those days I may have (honestly, once a year ain't so bad), I don't plan on ever going back. Sure, it would be easier if I didn't have to scan the ingredients list of every single thing I eat, if I didn't have to plan ahead to make sure I won't get stuck snack-less in a situation where I am a starving lunatic with blood sugar as low as the floor. Yeah, it happens, but the rewards SO far outweigh the inconveniences, that well... it kind of reminds me of parenthood!

And as for you, dear reader - if you are still on the sweet stuff, even just in small amounts, and don't need to or plan to go off sugar as extreme as I did, then do yourself this favor: take these recipes I post, and add yourself in a bit of honey in place of the erythritol. But also do yourself this favor - make sure it's local raw honey you are using.


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